Legal Director
Private right
Procedural law
Constitutional right
Meythaler & Zambrano Lawyers:
General Legal Director, since March 2023.
Of counsel (2022 - 2023)
Adjunct Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE)
Since March 2024
Responsible for the following subjects: Theory of Evidence and Procedural Means.
Arbitrator of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Quito
Since March 2015 (designation by merit and opposition contest).
Since May 2018, member of the Center's Legal Commission.
Special time professor of the School of Jurisprudence of the San Francisco de Quito University
From August 2019 to December 2020
She has taught at the same university as a part-time professor since 2003, in the subjects: Introduction to Procedural Law and General Processes, General Theory of Process, Organic Procedural Law, Theory of Obligations, Analysis of Cases and Legal Issues, and Methodology of Legal Research in the Master's Degree in International Litigation and Arbitration from the same university.
Hired Professor of the Law Area of the Simón Bolívar Andean University, Ecuador Campus
From 2005 to 2009; from that year to March 31, 2015
Full-time teacher and coordinator of the Specialization and Master's programs in Procedural Law. In charge of the Direction of the Area on several occasions.
In charge of the subjects: Jurisdiction and competence, Organic Procedural Law, The challenge of procedural acts. Resources, Legal Research Methodology, Thesis Workshop Constitution and administration of justice, Procedural Issues, in the courses of Procedural Law, Higher Specialization in Financial, Stock Market and Insurance Law and the Master's Degree in Constitutional Law.
Professor of the Doctorate in Law in the module Constitutional guarantees of property and free private initiative ", in the 2018 academic year.
Currently visiting professor.
Invited Professor of the Master's Degree in Procedural Law, at the Espíritu Santo University of Specialties
From 2019 to 2021
Module General Theory of the Process.
Guest Professor of the Master of Laws, Procedural Law Mention, of the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil
From 2016 to 2022.
Module: Test Theory.
Professor at the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
Theory of Procedural Resources, (II semester 2014-2015).
General Theory of the Process (II semester 2021-2022).
Legal Adviser of the First Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.
November 2006 to December 2008:
Legal Assistant 3 of the First Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.
September 11, 1998 to October 20, 2006:
Pablo de Olavide University – Seville, Spain
Doctorate of the University Pablo de Olavide (Department of Public Law). Title equivalent to "PhD"
Thesis: "Jurisdictional protection of credit: special reference to Ecuador", unanimously qualified as "excellent cum laude".
SENESCYT Registry: 5485R-13-23296
Simón Bolívar Andean University, Ecuador Headquarters
Higher Specialist in University Teaching: September 28, 2009.
2008 - 2009
SENESCYT Registry: 1022-09-701612
Pablo de Olavide University – Seville, Spain
Third Cycle Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA, Academic Qualification for Doctorate)
2005 - 2006
Simón Bolívar Andean University, Ecuador Branch
Senior Specialist in Procedural Law: March 14, 2005.
2004 - 2005
SENESCYT Registry: 1022-05-573992
Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
Degree in Legal Sciences: December 11, 2002.
1996 - 2002
SENESCYT Registry: 1027-03-329962
"Conflicts of competence in concurrent jurisdictions within the scope of the General Organic Code of Procedure: guidelines for its resolution in light of the right to effective protection", in Miguel Hernández Terán (dir.), A contemporary vision of Law. A contribution of the Master in Law, mention in Procedural Law, Quito, Ecuador, UCSG/CEP, 2021, pp. 113-135.
"Arbitration and ordinary procedural rules: a misunderstood interaction," in Iuris Dictio, Journal of the School of Jurisprudence of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, vol. 22, no. 22 (2018), pp. 37-46 (indexed journal).
"The right to freedom. Ludwig van Beethoven: Fidelio", in Ramiro Ávila (coord.), The Cultural Dimensions of Law. Tribute to Dr. Ernesto Albán Gómez, Quito, CEN/UASB-Ecuador, 2018, pp. 101-107.
"Prologue" in Tutela arbitral efectiva en Ecuador by María Elena Jara Vásquez, Quito, CEP/UASB-Ecuador, pp. V-VII, 2017.
"Independence and impartiality in arbitration", in Libro Blanco, Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Quito Chamber of Commerce, 2015.
" The judge has to become a director of the process, not a dictator," interview conducted by the magazine Defensa y Justicia of the Public Defender's Office of Ecuador, Quito, No. 15 (April), pp. 20-23.
""Enforcement of international awards in Ecuador and the General Organic Code of Proceedings", in Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje, No. 6, 2014, pp. 83-106.
""Presentation", in The means of challenge before the process and contemporary procedure by Álvaro Mejía Salazar, Quito, Ediciones Legales, pp. VII-XIII, 2013.
- Tutela jurisdiccional del crédito en Ecuador, Quito, Ediciones Legales/Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, November 2012. ISBN: 978-9978-81-140-5.
- "Administration of justice in Ecuador 2012," in Gina Benavides and Gardenia Chávez (editors), Horizonte de los derechos humanos, Ecuador 2012, Quito, UASB-Ecuador/PADH, pp. 11-25, 2013.
- "In memory of María Rosario Valpuesta Fernández (1953-2013)", in Foro, Journal of the Law Area of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, No. 18, pp. 185-188, II semester 2012. (indexed journal)
- "Guidelines for a process of civil justice reform in Ecuador", in Iuris Dictio, Journal of the College of Jurisprudence of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Year 13, No. 15, pp. 113-130, 2013. (indexed journal)
- "The administration of justice by the authorities of indigenous peoples in the thought of Julio César Trujillo", in Ramiro Ávila and Enrique Ayala (compilers), The silence in the face of an outrage is impossible. Estudios sobre el pensamiento jurídico de Julio César Trujillo, Quito, UASB-Ecuador/CEN, pp. 113-127, 2012.
- ""General comments on the draft Unified Procedural Code, prepared by JSCA for the Judiciary Council,"" in Novedades jurídicas, Quito, No. 73, year IX, pp. 6-20, July 2012. (indexed journal)
- ""The right to effective judicial protection: an approach to its application by the Ecuadorian courts", in Foro, Law Review of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, No. 14, pp. 5-43, II semester 2010. (indexed journal)
- ""Effective judicial protection as a human right: an approach to its conception and situation in Ecuador", in Andean Human Rights Program (compiler), Constitutional State of Rights? Human Rights Report Ecuador 2009, Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador - Abya Yala, pp. 13-35, 2010.
- ""The Organic Code of the Judicial Function": towards a new model of administration of justice", in Novedades jurídicas, Quito, No. 35, Ediciones Legales, pp. 6-13, 2009 (indexed journal).
"Careers in the Judicial Function: towards a new model of human resources management in the justice sector", in Santiago Andrade Ubidia and Luis Ávila Linzán (editors) The transformation of justice, Quito, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, pp. 155-183, 2009.
" Nullities in the civil process", in Foro, Journal of the Law Area of the Andean University Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, No. 6, pp. 145-185, II semester 2006, Quito, 2007 (indexed journal).
" Some comments on Title One of the Draft Uniform Securities Law for Latin America, prepared by the Institute for the Integration of Latin America (INTAL)", in Ruptura, Annual Magazine of the Law School Association of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, volume II, pp. 151-186, 2000.
“El procedimiento monitorio en el Código Orgánico General de Procesos: ¿una vía idónea para el cobro eficaz de las deudas de pequeña cuantía?", in Boletín informativo de la Asociación de Bancos Privados del Ecuador, May 2016, No. 63, pp. 5-7.
Judicial Magazine of Newspaper La Hora:
"Exclusivity of jurisdiction and enforcement activity" (October 1, 2013).
"The enforcement process" (September 10, 2013).
"Effective judicial protection" (June 17, 2013).
"Reform to the secondary procedural legislation" (July 17, 2013).
"Powers and faculties in the jurisdictional exercise" (April 30, 2013).
"Activism in judicial decision" (April 3, 2013).
"The increase of judges' powers in the COFJ" (March 13, 2013).
"New constitutional paradigms for the administration of justice" (February 20, 2013).
Honorable mention of the "José María Velasco Ibarra" award for the best work in Public Law" (Jurisdictional protection of credit in Ecuador), granted by the Municipality of the Metropolitan District of Quito on the occasion of the Day of Interculturality, Quito, November 28, 2013.
Member of the Ecuadorian Institute of Procedural Law. Incorporation: September 4, 2006. President of the Institute (period 2018-2020).
Member of the Ecuadorian Institute of Arbitration since 2019.
Forum of the Judiciary Council: registration number 17-2002-242.
Pichincha Bar Association: registration number 7813.
English and Spanish