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Senior Partner & President

Senior Partner of the firm and trial lawyer since 1988.

Head of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department and of the Intellectual Property Litigation Department.

José is considered one of the most experienced lawyers in national and international litigation and arbitration.

He has been a litigator in Ecuador and abroad for several companies, including: Chevron, Shell, Ciba Geigy, Syngenta, Novartis, Baxter, Bayer, Pfizer, Merck, Conecel, Global Recovery Group, Sanofi, Philip Morris, Stendhal, Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and others. They include civil litigation, commercial litigation, domestic and investment arbitration, intellectual property and market defence.


Public Law

Business Law

Competition Law

Intellectual property 


Life & Science

National and International Arbitration

Mediation and alternative dispute resolution


Among the functions, he has performed are the following:


  • He has been a professor for 15 years in the Faculties of Jurisprudence of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Central University of Quito, University of the Americas, San Francisco de Quito, and SEK International.

  • Deputy for the Province of Pichincha;

  • Ex officio director of the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Quito;

  • General Manager of Shell Compañía de Petróleo del Ecuador SA;

  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property, currently SENADI;

  • Founding Director of the Ecuadorian Association of Phonogram Producers ASOTEC;

  • Member of the Ecuadorian Institute of Roman Law and the Ecuadorian Institute of Tax Law.


He has given lectures at several foreign universities, such as the Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Austral University in Buenos Aires, Externado in Colombia, UNAM in Mexico, among others.


He has participated in several international events on arbitration and has given conferences on the subject in Peru under the auspices of the Peruvian Institute of Arbitration.


He is a member of Latin American International Arbitration and arbitrator judge of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce AMCHAM.


Spanish and English.

Whos Who Legal

Life Sciences - Patent Litigation, 2021


José Meythaler is described by market commentators as "a resourceful and active litigator, who is highly responsive".





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